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Lekecia Fordham

Who Do You Think You Are?

Has anyone ever asked you this question? Have you ever asked this question of yourself? I can recall to my mind several occasions where the devil himself asked me this same question... "Who do you think you are?". In that very instance I was quickly reminded that the enemy hates it when we walk in our God given authority. He hates that God loves us, forgives, and entrusts us with His Spirit. That makes us a tremendous threat to our enemy. This is why he always seeks to challenge us with our identity in Christ. If he can get us to question or doubt who we are in God, we will cease to believe in God, cease to believe the word of God and hence be rendered useless in the kingdom of God.

Keep in mind, the enemy speaks to us but also uses those around us to speak for him. I remember those around me asking "Who does she think she is?". Unfortunately, not everyone around us believes in us. If we're honest, they may have a valid reason to doubt us. Maybe they've seen our inconsistencies. Maybe we haven't measured up to their standards or God's standards of a consecrated life. Whatever their reason for asking this question, I want to remind you not to focus on how others feel about you, I don't even want you to focus on how you feel about yourself; instead, I want you to focus on the one who has called you, for He is the only one who has the power to destroy your body and soul.

I Peter 2:9 says... "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.".

The next time your adversary, or even those around you asks, "Who do you think you are?" you declare with authority and tell him who God says you are... I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus... I am the salt of the earth... I am a son of God and no longer a servant... I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ... I am redeemed and forgiven in Christ... I am an heir and joint heir with Christ Jesus... I am a child of the Most-High God. This is who I am because "I Am" says that I am!

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